Liquid Sunshine + Plus
This product is similar to Liquid Sunshine but with additional stimulants and nutrients. In addition to it's ability to chelate, this product has been exceedingly successful in stimulating crops.
Through spraying at certain timings the plant will respond to the increase in energy by expediting it's processes that are occurring at that time.
Through spraying at certain timings the plant will respond to the increase in energy by expediting it's processes that are occurring at that time.
Increased Sugars Much Earlier
The process works the same in every plant. For example, in Thompson Seedless grapes sugar production is stimulated and maturity is advanced through two separately timed sprays.
Improved Pollination
Bees will travel along their established flight path up to 2-3 miles away in search of pollen. However, they love our Sunshine + Plus and are attracted to where it is sprayed. Use during bloom spray if you want your bees to be drawn to your fields.
Boost Flowering and Fruit Set
Spray throughout the year to improve on plant development, flowering, fruit set, and maturity.
Maximize Nutrient Uptake and Utilization
Similar to Liquid Sunshine, our Sun + is an amazing chelator and will improve the efficacy of any nutrient, fungicide, or stimulant spray.