Products you can Count On!
The NaturalAg® line of products have proven effective for a variety of soil conditions, climates, and crops. NaturalAg products aid in the restoration of soil health.
We manufacture our own products and adhere to the strictest quality standards. Through proprietary methods we are able to produce the highest quality products available at the lowest price possible. This value results in increased yields and greater profits for our clients.
Whether you are an individual grower, formulator, or distributor we will provide you with solutions that meet your needs.
We manufacture our own products and adhere to the strictest quality standards. Through proprietary methods we are able to produce the highest quality products available at the lowest price possible. This value results in increased yields and greater profits for our clients.
Whether you are an individual grower, formulator, or distributor we will provide you with solutions that meet your needs.
Should I be using a Humic Acid or a Fulvic Acid Product?
What's the difference?
These two organic acids both work in very different ways. The Humic acid molecules are too large to be easily absorbed through plant foliage, while the Fulvic acid is a smaller molecule, allowing it to be taken up by the plant membranes.
The Humic acid works in your soil to buffer ph or toxicity in soils, increase nutrient availability, break down soil particles, increase aeration and water retention, boost microbial activity, and repair damage made by chemical fertilizers.
The Fulvic acid works in the plant to increase the pore sizes of the root system, enabling the plant to take up more and larger nutrients that are available in the soil.
Why you Should Choose one Over the Other
So why would you want to use only one of these super acids and not the other? Farmer’s may be trying to achieve something more specific, like those focusing on foliar applied nutrition or using a hydroponic system. The Fulvic acid is preferred in both Foliar nutrition and hydroponics because there is no soil for the Humic acid to work in. Fulvic acid can penetrate plant membranes much more readily than Humic and the foliar or hydroponic fed plants can absorb more nutrients.
Another grower may want to use the Humic Acid to build the microbial life in the soil, increase water retention, repair the soil structure, and create better chlorophyll synthesis; all leading to healthier plants and higher yields.
Our Liquid Optimizer is high in both Humic and Fulvic acids so you do get benefits from both when applying to the soil. However, Optimizer does not tank mix well with almost everything like our Liquid Sunshine and Liquid Sunshine + Plus products do.
These two organic acids both work in very different ways. The Humic acid molecules are too large to be easily absorbed through plant foliage, while the Fulvic acid is a smaller molecule, allowing it to be taken up by the plant membranes.
The Humic acid works in your soil to buffer ph or toxicity in soils, increase nutrient availability, break down soil particles, increase aeration and water retention, boost microbial activity, and repair damage made by chemical fertilizers.
The Fulvic acid works in the plant to increase the pore sizes of the root system, enabling the plant to take up more and larger nutrients that are available in the soil.
Why you Should Choose one Over the Other
So why would you want to use only one of these super acids and not the other? Farmer’s may be trying to achieve something more specific, like those focusing on foliar applied nutrition or using a hydroponic system. The Fulvic acid is preferred in both Foliar nutrition and hydroponics because there is no soil for the Humic acid to work in. Fulvic acid can penetrate plant membranes much more readily than Humic and the foliar or hydroponic fed plants can absorb more nutrients.
Another grower may want to use the Humic Acid to build the microbial life in the soil, increase water retention, repair the soil structure, and create better chlorophyll synthesis; all leading to healthier plants and higher yields.
Our Liquid Optimizer is high in both Humic and Fulvic acids so you do get benefits from both when applying to the soil. However, Optimizer does not tank mix well with almost everything like our Liquid Sunshine and Liquid Sunshine + Plus products do.
A biological blend of 154 strains of beneficial micro-organisms with Granular all-natural carbon, trace mineral, and humic acid based soil conditioner that acts as an organic chelator, microbial stimulator, and source of vital micro-nutrients. It's unique carbon matrix incorporates a high concentration of organic acids, specifically humic and fulvic acids, which improve plant ability to utilize vital nutrients.
CLICK HERE for more information on Soil Builder
CLICK HERE for more information on Soil Builder
Our Liquid Optimizer is a high quality Humic Acid Concentrate. Although sometimes used in foliar applications, and although this type of product is most often utilized for stabilizing chemical fertilizers, it is highly effective and most useful when applied in small doses through irrigation systems.
CLICK HERE for more information on Liquid OPTIMIZER
CLICK HERE for more information on Liquid OPTIMIZER
A highly concentrated Fulvic acid based liquid plant stimulant. Builds energy in plants and improves plant permeability of most foliar products. An extremely effective chelating agent. Very useful for foliar nutrition or in situations where humic acid is incompatible with soil applied nutrient fertilizers. Completely compatible with most liquid fertilizers.
CLICK HERE for more information on Liquid Sunshine
CLICK HERE for more information on Liquid Sunshine
A highly concentrated Fulvic acid based liquid plant stimulant blended with micro-nutrients, sugars, and enzymes. Builds energy in plants and improves plant permeability of most foliar products while increasing plant enzymes. Use as a foliar spray. Completely compatible with most liquid fertilizers. Helps to increase energy and sugar levels of most crops.
CLICK HERE for more information on Liquid Sunshine
CLICK HERE for more information on Liquid Sunshine